Cora SEO Automation (MacOS)

This MacOS application automates the process of running searches and collecting data using the Cora SEO software.

The app can handle multiple keywords and offers an option for scheduled reporting.


  1. Download the latest release here
  2. Unzip
  3. Move to Applications folder


  1. Ensure that Cora is installed on your Mac.
  2. Launch Cora and configure your preferred settings.
  3. Maximize the Cora window to ensure proper interaction with the script (the Search Terms input field and the Search and Get Data buttons MUST BE VISIBLE).
  4. Close any other Java processes that might be running to avoid interference.
  5. Create a CSV file with your keywords (one keyword per line and nothing else in it)

How to Use

  1. Right click -> Open (this is important!) the file after the preparation process
  2. Grant requested permissions (you may have to relaunch it afterwards)
  3. The app will prompt you for the following information:
    • Location of the Cora folder containing the cora.log file
    • Location of your CSV file with keywords
    • Whether you want to enable scheduled reporting
    • If scheduled reporting is enabled, the interval in hours between runs
  4. The app will then start processing each keyword from your CSV file.
  5. If you want to stop the automation, right click the spinning gear icon at the top right of your screen and click the close icon.


The script logs its progress and any issues to the system log and the file cora_automation_log.txt located in the CoraAutomation folder within the user's Library/Application Support/ directory.


What's new:


  • feature: Implement caffeinate commands to keep system awake
  • fix: Prevent automation from stopping because of system sleep or lock screen
  • fix: Ensure necessary directories and files exist before app execution
  • fix: Remove unintended keystroke from permissions check
  • fix: Ensure log file is cleared at the start of each run
  • fix: Update requestPermissions function to use more robust method for opening System Settings


  • Initial release