Product Review Schema Generator

Generate product review schema to get SERP snippets like this:

product review schema serp snippet
Product Review Schema Generator
This is the name of the product you're reviewing.
This is the name of the brand or manufacturer of the product you're reviewing.
This is the URL of the official website of the brand or manufacturer of the product you're reviewing.
This is the URL of the official product page. In some cases, this might be a homepage if the brand only sells a single product.
This is the SKU of the product you're reviewing. You can make this up based on the product name. Replace white spaces with a dash.
This is the URL of your product review.
This is an image of the product you're reviewing. You could use your featured image.
A short description of the product. You may use your meta description.
This is the editor's rating of the product. Use a decimal point as the delimiter and a number between 1.0 and 5.0
This is the date the review has been published. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd
This is the language of your review. Use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard.
This is the name of the site you publish your review on.
This is the URL of your website's homepage.
This is the URL of your website's logo.
This is the name of the author of the review.
This is the URL of the author's about page. If you run a single author site, you may use its about page.